Skew,Global Skew,Local Skew,Useful Skew
• The difference in the arrival of clock signal at the clock pin of different flops.
• Three types of skews are defined: Local skew and Global skew and Useful skew.
Local skew
The difference in the arrival of clock signal at the clock pin of related flops.
Global skew
The difference in the arrival of clock signal at the clock pin of non related flops.
Useful skew
If clock is skewed intentionally to improve setup slack then it is known as useful skew.
Useful skew is a concept of delaying the capturing flip-flop clock path, this approach helps in meeting setup requirement with in the launch and capture timing path. But the hold-requirement has to be met for the design.
Skew can be positive or negative.
When data and clock are routed in same direction then it is Positive skew.
When data and clock are routed in opposite then it is negative skew.
• The difference in the arrival of clock signal at the clock pin of different flops.
• Three types of skews are defined: Local skew and Global skew and Useful skew.
Local skew
The difference in the arrival of clock signal at the clock pin of related flops.
Global skew
The difference in the arrival of clock signal at the clock pin of non related flops.
Useful skew
If clock is skewed intentionally to improve setup slack then it is known as useful skew.
Useful skew is a concept of delaying the capturing flip-flop clock path, this approach helps in meeting setup requirement with in the launch and capture timing path. But the hold-requirement has to be met for the design.
Skew can be positive or negative.
When data and clock are routed in same direction then it is Positive skew.
When data and clock are routed in opposite then it is negative skew.